Thursday, March 13, 2008


My ultimate professional goal is to find a position that will allow me contribute to institution-building in my country, Liberia. Liberia is a post-war society, and is in the process of rebuilding economically, politically and socially and I would like to be a part of that. Of course, this is a grand plan which leaves a lot of room for interpretation of “contribution”, but I guess all journeys begin with a single step. So, I am looking for a practicum in Liberia that would fit my needs.

My goals have really changed over the course of my time at SIT. I arrived here seeking to address issues of resource protection in developing countries, particularly in Africa. This is partly the reason that I chose the sustainable development concentration. But after I arrived and began through some of my courses - like Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, Development Management and T & P of Conflict Transformation – to examine the root causes and perceptions of so-called “underdevelopment” I began to see that there was a different role for me.

Through this course i hope to gain a more thorough and systematic understanding of information technology and information systems. IT has such a huge impact on how organizations perform that it seems prudent, no matter which industry you are in or position you hold, to try and get a grasp of what it entails. Not only do I want to know where technology is now, I want to know where it is going, and what the consequences are if we all follow along.

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